The economic impact of manufacturing in SC

Economic Impact of South Carolina Manufacturing

Manufacturing’s impact in South Carolina is truly meaningful. It’s an industry that makes world-class products who have a global reach, transforms communities for the better, and creates opportunities and prosperity for so many South Carolinians.

SC Makers Create Prosperity,
Opportunity & The Future

The Economic Impact of Manufacturing in South Carolina, developed by the Moore School of Business at the University of South Carolina, presents the facts about South Carolina’s manufacturing industry: its economic footprint, growth and advancements, contributions throughout state, and the workforce that drives success.

South Carolina’s manufacturing story is America’s story – one that reflects the can-do attitude and spirit of the people who create, innovate, and make a positive and lasting impact.

Key Research Findings

Get The Report

Download the full Economic Impact of Manufacturing in South Carolina and learn first-hand that what South Carolina Makes, Makes South Carolina.


Get Involved

Continued success for South Carolina’s manufacturing industry requires proactive approaches from company representatives to showcase career opportunities, be involved with schools, and connect to the next generation of makers. SC Future Makers provides the resources and means to connect with talent.

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