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SC Future Makers gives you the power to shape the future by embracing your talents, passions, and drive through connectivity.
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SC Future Makers is a first-in-the-nation program designed to empower talent to connect with the meaningful opportunities the Palmetto State has to offer. Discover how and who you can connect with to create a better future.

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News & Notes
Behind the Scenes: Sage Automotive – The Art of Automotive Interiors
When you think of manufacturing, what comes to mind? Machines? Assembly lines? What about design, creativity, and art? At Sage Automotive Interiors, manufacturing isn’t just about making things - it’s about crafting experiences. Every fabric, texture, and pattern that...

Behind the Scenes: Milliken & Company – Innovating for the Future
Manufacturing is more than production – it’s about shaping the world around us. At Milliken & Company, innovation fuels every breakthrough, from life-saving protective textiles to advanced materials engineered for space exploration. With 13 locations in South...

Behind the Scenes: Connecting the World in the Coolest Ways with AFL
Have you ever wondered how the internet, video chats, or your favorite online games work seamlessly? Behind the scenes, an incredible web of technology is making this happen - and AFL is at the forefront of it all. Headquartered in Duncan, South Carolina, AFL is...
Companies Making The Future
South Carolina is home to some of the coolest companies and biggest brands in the world. We’re building a brighter future together.